Monday, April 28, 2008

it's been a while

I haven't had time to say much lately but that doesn't mean I haven't been paying attention to things. In fact, I've been paying a LOT of attention to my neglected yard for the last two weeks.

I bought my house one year ago last Monday and I've hardly had time to touch anything outside. It showed. We've had a stretch of great weather and my dad was sweet enough to trade his truck for my sports car. I've hauled three loads of brush, four load of rock and stepping stones, transplanted god knows how many bushes and plants that were scattered willy nilly all over the yard, bought and used a pick ax on some pretty tenacious honeysuckle stumps (still working on those), tilled and planted a garden...ok, a friend with a tiller actually tilled it but I did the rest..let's see, what else? I'm the recipient of a ton of creeping phlox and a lilac bush that I'll pick up Thursday from a very generous friend, yesterday I planted a Japanese maple, tomorrow I'll plant four azalea bushes....and then it's time to invest in some herbs for the tiny herb garden I'm putting next to the kitchen door!

Oh, and today I finally cleaned my house after I stopped by my favorite Fayette Seed and bought corn and bean seed.

The other thing I've finally had time to do is go back to working on Tonic. Last Friday I interviewed James McMurtry. I was expecting a tough time - he's notorious for not saying much and it's not like I have years of experience with pulling the best out of rocks like that. As luck would have it, though, not only did he talk quite a bit to me, but he cracked a few jokes and was genuinely a detached "I've done this so many times I'm just going through the motions" kind but kind none the less. If I didn't know where he was coming from I might think otherwise.

Anyway, it was a big deal for me to talk to him because his first record (yes, I still call them records the way God intended!) was a long time favorite of mine. I think I got an advanced copy or something - my manager at the time had some gig going on in the, that's how I found out about James. I hardly took it out of my CD player. Somebody finally stole it - that someone shall remain nameless - I know who it was. I never had the heart to replace it until last week and man, it's like finding an old friend. Tons of great memories came flooding back and what a breath of fresh air that was! Turns out James is only a few years older than me so, it really was like finding an old friend. And it was nice to hear how much he's matured over the past 19 years even though Wasteland is as good today as it was then. Wish I could say the same for me :-D

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