Wednesday, April 15, 2009

a really bad day

the dog is fading fast. this morning she was panting and pacing as if this was the final day.

By 10:30 I'd gotten the following note from a stranger:

I'm a big fan of Stealin' Horses from way back. I love the music. I found you through Gregg's page. I'm still shocked over his passing. This is too awful. Be well, and may God comfort you in this time of, I'm still waiting.

My heart sank. He turned 44 just days ago. I still don't know what happened only that it was "unexpected and sudden".Gregg Fulkerson and his son Carter

Not more than 30 minutes later my mother called to tell me of my grandmother Terry's passing, a short 9 days after my grandfather Terry died. It's been a bad, bad day.

Hazel and Thornton Terry, 1983