Saturday, November 8, 2008

saturday musings

I've got a few thoughts quickly before I dash off for the day. Of course, it has to do with the election.

1. When I heard Brian Williams announce Barck Obama president, I turned all Pentacostal; threw my hands in the air, thanked Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost, and cried my eyes out. I can't remember a time I was so overcome with that much joy. It's a wonderful feeling to be on the right side of history.

2. John McCain, though I did not vote for him, is a stand-up guy and if he had run as a younger man, against another oponent, he might have won. Even though I'm not a Republican, I always said I liked John McCain and it would be tough for me if he ever ran. Of course, that's before I knew who Obama was - so, when the time came, the decision wasn't hard at all.

3. Shame, shame, shame on McCain top aides for raking Sarah Palin over the coals. I didn't think she was qualified but I did not dislike her as a person. How dare they be nasty to her. Campbell Brown said it best and I urge you to watch what she had to say about these nasty people. If the GOP had any sense at all, they would never hire these people again - for anything, not even gophers.

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