Wednesday, October 29, 2008

if shrubby can't do it....

my pal, Stacy, and I watched Barack Obama's 30 minute infomercial tonight after which we discussed other election tidbits from the the absolutely disgusting and humiliating Obama effigy they found hanging from a tree on UK's campus this morning. (Kudos to UK President, Dr. Lee Todd, for taking swift and apropriate action)

Anyway....Stacy mentioned she had also watched this morning a Christian fundamentalist on CNN who claims that electing Obama is certain to bring about the Apocalypse. Stacy's response?

"If George Bush couldn't bring on the Apocalypse, Obama sure can't!"

'Nuff said.


Josh said...

In there's any evidence for the Apocalypse here, it's that opinions like these earn serious airtime on a national news channel.

18 said...

HA! Good point.