Monday, September 1, 2008

who's yer daddy?

The weekend started with a rousing volley at work over McCain's choice of Sarah Palin. Some rediculous thing about shoring up the base. The base of what...Idiots? That's an insult to good Republicans, and yes, there are good Republicans. Not to mention an insult to women. But I digress.

Yesterday I had a dinner party where the rumor was that Palin was covering up a daughter's unwanted pregnancy by claiming the baby as her own - her youngest.

Today, on what was to be the first day of the GOP convention altered because of Hurricane Gustav (conveniently eliminating Dubya's speech), we learned that the rumors aren't true because Palin's 17 year old is currently pregnant. Oops.

So, I figure tomorrow we'll see those Palin nude pix everyone is talking about. What? They're actually her daughter? Oops again. Then what? Oh, that's right, Troopergate.....and, oh shucks I thought the bridge to nowhere was a great idea but changed my mind...give me that gun, dang it, I got me a caribou in the way of my oil drill!....FIRE.....tasty.

And to borrow sentiments from my pal Josh...see the McCain/Pailn Campaign photo below


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