Saturday, August 23, 2008

why this guy?

OK, I'm the first to admit that I'm not a brilliant political strategist. Heck, I didn't even pay attention to politics until I was in my late 20's (though I did vote regularly). I had far better things to do than worry about America's foreign standing or our economic stability. But, as with most adults, these things increasingly concern me, among so many others like health care, for instance. And, now, after 8 years of complete and utter stupidity in the white house (and that nasty man, Cheney, who we all know is really calling the shots), even young folk are getting involved. Thank God for that - we might have a chance to get back up on our feet with them pulling for Obama. The down side: I have a sinking feeling that someone will off Obama (some crazed racist is just evil enough to do it, you know they are) so, for me, who he chose for his running-mate was nearly as important as running himself.

So....somebody explain to me why Joe Biden is a good choice for VP? Yeah, I've read all the reviews - all the pontificating about his being an insider (as if that's a good thing), a foreign policy guru (could have chosen a number of people for this bit), filling in Obama's gaps (that's what a cabinet is for), yadda yadda yadda. I look at Joe Biden and I see a white man with bad hair who's the same old political bullshit we've had forever and a day.

So much for change.

I feel like change has been traded for votes - soothing all those independents who can't seem to understand how bad the Republican party has screwed us over, all of us - that somehow electing a war hero (with little else going for him as far as I'm concerned) is a good thing... forget that Grandpa doesn't even know how many friggin' houses he owns (doesn't really matter, though - his wife is the one with the money).

I'll still go for Obama but I have serious doubts about his winning now - and about his commitment to real change. You just can't scream change then turn around and hire a guy like Biden and expect me to believe change is really what you want. The only thing I see changing now are the leaves.


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