Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blue 2.0 update

I've been a bit pre-occupied of late but am taking the opportunity to update a bit on our Blue 2.0 requirements.

MySpace: I've had an account for well over a year - probably 2, in fact. It's been long enough that I can't remember when I did it. Here's the URL: I use my Blogspot blog for blogging, not MySpace, and I never did much of it there either. Until recently, and I've said this before, I just didn't see the point - my life is extremely busy. So, I'm busy living it instead of writing about it. However, there are certain things a blog is great for but....not on MySpace.

Here's the deal - I don't like all the ads and I don't like that I have to login all the dang time. I don't really care for all the cutesy stuff either - the little emoticons and moods and all that. However, I do think it's a great place if you're a musician or other artist that needs a web presence and you don't have the resources to have your own domain - for whatever reason. I also think kids love it and love hanging out with each other in this virtual space. Personally, I'd rather go out for dinner - it surely tastes better than licking the screen each his/her own I guess.

Anyway, I've got a few friends but I haven't gone out of my way to collect them. I know people who just horde all these friends like it's the next big thing and, I guess for them, it is. It just never took over me like that.

Then there's Facebook - I feel the same way about it as I do MySpace. I hate to sound so poo poo about it all but I just do not have the time to devote to either one to the degree that so many people do. But I'll tell you the truth - my biggest issue with both of them is the whole logging in, logging out business. See, with Blogspot it's simple because I used Firefox's Scribe add-on to publish directly to the blog and never have to login. Oh sure, I could do it with MySpace, too, but Blogspot looks better - but wait, we were talking about Facebook weren't we?

Yeah, well, I think I've said all I should say about either of them for fear my friends will leap out of the screen and choke me. But please don't Poke me - that damn superpoke stuff gets on my last nerve. I have a friend in VA who tries to Superpoke me all the dang time, throw tire irons at me, send Santa to flip me off, God knows what else - I got so tired of being poked I just stopped playing. Remember what I said about not having time for this?

I just sound like a total stick in the mud, don't I? I swear, I'm not. I'm just busy.

I did so many years ago I don't have a clue what my name or password are now - which should tell you what I thought of it.

As a third alternative, I signed in to Linkedin - I've come across a few people who are "linkedin" just recently and find that it could be a really, really useful tool. As long as they make it easy and quick, I'm good to go. In fact, here's the url:

I like it! I'll probably try Ning and Orkut later when I'm not so tired. But now me thinks there's something good on the History Channel (And why, or why, can't we get History International in Lexington without paying out the nose for it? It's sooooooooo good)

enough already

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww, Kopana. I was so anxious to poke you, give you drinks, plants find out what superhero you are and all of that. now I just never know. ;)